Book Your Visit

Meet, play, and bond with our Cat Crew.

Support the Cats

Sponsor a cat or purchase a needed item off our wishlist.

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Recurring Weekly Events






Meet Our Cat Crew

Join Us!

More ways to get involved with kitten rescue.

Support the Cats


Sponsor a cat or purchase
a needed item off our wishlist.



Save BIG with a Mempurrship!

  • Free t-shirt for each member
  • 10% off select merchandise
  • 20% off select special events
  • $5 visits on ANY DAY!

Private Parties


Host your next event at
Chico Cat Cafe!

What is a Cat Cafe?

And other frequently asked questions

What is a Cat Cafe?

A cat café is half coffeehouse, half lounge, half cat adoption center...

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Can I bring my own cat?

No, sorry. Our cats are carefully screened for illnesses and we cannot accommodate outside cat guests.

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Do you accept walk-ins?

We will always accept walk-ins WHEN availability allows.

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What should I expect?

When it’s time to visit, come around to the front of the building, ring our snazzy new
doorbell and check in...

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