Why did you change your name?

Originally, our name paid homage to John’s rare book business roots and our love of cats. Smart businesses recognize gaps in the market and seek to fill the need. While we have accomplished this goal, we also know that we are growing and growing businesses need to grow along with their name. So now our name more accurately reflects and celebrates Chico and our cat-loving community. We ARE Chico’s Cat Café!


What does the new name mean to Chico?

Our new name, Chico Cat Café, gives us increased online visibility, which is a fancy way of saying that now more people can find us! Cat Lovers Google “Chico Cat Café” to find us, not “The Great Catsby” – while our original name is unique, what it is not is memorable. Our new name does not get lost in translation. We now connect succinctly with our growing audience.


What is different about us now?

Honestly, not that much! We have become a destination for events and first dates, even hosting cat-centric paint and sips, emerging authors book signings and school field trips for young cat enthusiasts. Our Nine Lives Wine Lounge is now open and functions during our private events. Our origin story is the same – that of a sea-tossed kitten, abandoned by no fault of her own during a disaster, to be found wandering the dangerous and dark streets of Paris at a time in history ripe with the horrific realities of animal cruelty and neglect, where she fortuitously arrives at the stoop of her forever person – and we vow to continue our tradition of rescuing and saving kittens from the sea of uncertainties of a homeless life.