Swirl was one of 5 kitties that were rescued from one of the many colonies in Willows. They hissed, growled, and spit for a while. They needed a lot of patience & love to make them feel secure. Swirl realized our rescue partner was not bad and knew he had to give up on his attitude. His foster mom took him home to give him some one on one time to get him ready for adoption. He spent the first two days hiding under his bed, but now he will run out of the bathroom when you open the door. She introduced him to her to other fosters because he wanted to play with someone. He purrs instantly and loves to play with his toys. Belly rubs, anyone? You can shower him with kisses and he will roll over for a belly rub. Swirl is about 3 months old and look at his coat!! He looks like a pastel swirled cinnamon roll. He’s sweet, fun and beautiful.