Give a hearty “MEOW!” to our new three amigos: Murphy, Patty and Eddie! These three siblings arrived into the lounge yesterday and have caused a whirlwind of hissing, pouncing and anxious watching. Bubba is the hisser (“young whippersnappers!”), Indy has been playfully pouncing with the little tikes and Miles has been anxiously watching them from the safe space of Alex’s Cat Tree. These three, almost 3-month-old babies were rescued (along with 2 other siblings) from under a house that had been accidentally boarded closed. They are playful, springy, joyful little troublemakers who love affection and play attention. They delight in parkouring: off the other cats, our legs and while half asleep. Oh to have a fraction of their energy! Love Bug says they are ready to go to their new homes (erm…PLEASE, she says) and Cassie says she will only temporarily loan the use of her tail as a jump rope.