What do you do when you are a cat rescue and you are contacted by a concerned citizen who has found 3 kittens smack dab in the middle of the railroad tracks in Willows? 1. You rescue them ASAP and then 2. You kiss on them repeatedly and then…you 3. Name them Union and Pacific after the train that ran through their stomping ground! What’s better than 1 orange cat? TWO, of course! These guys are almost 3 months old and are the most curious little guys full of vim and vinegar! To say they have a lot of energy is an understatement – they have typical orange cat energy and LOVE to rough house…not unlike the sound of a steam engine purring to life – these guys play hard and purr hard, too. Saved by a kind man from the path of a train – will you save them from a life on the wrong side of the tracks?