3-month-old T.J. is grounded and sturdy. He is very sure of himself and his passion – PLAYTIME! He is a sucker for a toy, or a kitty companion who will meet his energy and run around with him. At the cafe, he can be found egging on his brother and best friend, Claude, or dodging other cats to chase his choice toy of the day. As a busy body you may look up and wonder, ‘where did T.J. Go?’ But you can always trust that when it is time to settle down, he’ll come find you to you to let you know he’s ready for snuggle time. You will know he is ready for the affection because he will turn on the purr machine and leave it on until he’s ready to get back out there to play. T.J. Is ready to bring his fun, joyous, and loyal personality into your home whenever you are!